So, I've decided most of my "funny posts" will most likely be coming from the mouth of my 4yr old daughter ... she pretty much kills me. :)
Out shopping for yarn, we have a new little niece, whose name is Ruby, therefore, we must buy red ruby yarn to make her warm ruby slippers with. :)
Out of the blue, Sammy says to me ..."Mommy, How does God make a baby?"
DOH! Mommy stammers too long, cannot think of a thing to say because i want to laugh, and i said something like ...
"Well, it's an amazing thing that God does ..."
Sammy, "Is it magic?"
Mommy is REALLY trying to keep it together now ..
Sammy. ..."Well, I guess God IS pretty amazing, so he could pwobably make just about anything huh? Yeah ..Hey! I like this pink Yarn!"
Mommy moved to the end of the isle to laugh it out those little brains never stop thinking!
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