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Showing posts from February, 2010

sweet 16 babay

don't tell anyone, but according to my beautiful daughter, sometime in the next 24 hours, I will be turning 16! Isn't that lovely? I seem to have vague memories of doing 16 already, skating party with my best girl friends, silver necklace that said Sweet Sixteen, but it must have been a dream, cause today, is the REAL #16! heeheehee

MOTHERHOOD .....**Please see warning label**

**BEWARE ... motherhood may cause one or many of the following. Proceed with caution..... Hormonal changes, weight gain, lowered Stress tolerance, wrinkles, grey hairs, Emotional emotions, spontaneous weeping, spontaneous screaming, spontaneous laughter, insomnia, muscle aches, Heartaches, heart enlargement, higher pain tolerance, lower emotional tolerance............... HOWEVER, in the end, it appears to be worth the side affects :) *** S oo, today I went shopping, i am so out of the loop with kid's clothing, I have had 90% of my kids clothing passed down or bought as gifts, now I'm alone mostly, and lost that network, and I have to BUY clothes! Grant is 6 and suddenly growing a couple inches every hour :P His size depends on the quality of the clothes, so I spend alot time between the toddlers and "big boys" sections, which hurts a bit! :P I wanna go back to fuzzy puppy sleepers that are soo tiny you wonder how babies can be so small. Now, i buy jeans and thinking,...

Handy Dandy .. Mousa-ka-tools!

Remember Blue's Clues? How he always had his "Handy Dandy Notebook!" whenever he needed to write something down? Have you seen Mickey Mouse lately? He has a clubhouse, and this little electronic pair of ears that follow him all day full of "Mouse-ka-tools" and amazingly, the tools are only and EXACTLY the ones he needs. WHY have they not invented these for Mom's? WHY do I not have a Notebook that pops up everytime i say>..."I better write that down!" I don't care if it's in blue crayon, as long as the thought doesn't get forgotten till it's too late! What about screwdrivers? OI for cryin' out loud, I'll be tidying my kitchen and wonder why on God's green earth do I have ALL the screwdrivers in the whole house in my Silverware drawer??? Then, when i need one, do you THINK i could find it? Or a thermometer? I KNOW i must own at least 8, cause I've seen them, when we are all well, and I'm organizing, but as soo...

God Is amazing Isn't He?

So, I've decided most of my "funny posts" will most likely be coming from the mouth of my 4yr old daughter ... she pretty much kills me. :) Out shopping for yarn, we have a new little niece, whose name is Ruby, therefore, we must buy red ruby yarn to make her warm ruby slippers with. :) Out of the blue, Sammy says to me ..."Mommy, How does God make a baby?" DOH! Mommy stammers too long, cannot think of a thing to say because i want to laugh, and i said something like ... "Well, it's an amazing thing that God does ..." Sammy, "Is it magic?" Mommy is REALLY trying to keep it together now .. Sammy. ..."Well, I guess God IS pretty amazing, so he could pwobably make just about anything huh? Yeah ..Hey! I like this pink Yarn!" Mommy moved to the end of the isle to laugh it out those little brains never stop thinking!