Ohio River Crud. seriously, look it up, it's fo' real yo! Anyway, yeah I'm sicker than a dog today, which SUCKS. I had grand plans to go work out, take my kids to library, get library cards finally, but now, I can barely get them food to eat, let alone looking decent enough to go outside. :P this is a rambling post really ..... almost boring? :D I went to the doc recently, just a yearly check up, refreshing prescriptions and stuff. A couple things of mention, Every time I do something like this, I think, wow, I really live here, I really don't live in Vermont anymore, I really need a new doctor, new drugstore, eventually new license! I'm holding out on that last one :P Another thing, one that helped that homesicky feeling, when I was checking in at the front desk, I saw the back of a doctor's coat standing in the hall, and my eyes were drawn to her SHOES! She had these fabulous bright yellow HIGH heel sandals on. I thought, man, I hope she's my doctor! She i...