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Jelly Beans are so last week!

okay, so my hubby got me these wonderful chocolates for valentines day, I had 2 so far. I was saving them, you know, savor them kind of thing.  Well, we put Sammy in our room for a nap. She is a very good girl normally, however, yesterday, different story. Yeah, I ate two, this is how i found them, with my daughter having chocolate around her precious mouth, while sitting in the middle of ALL my shoes. ALL of them pulled out of the closet, out of their boxes, all over the floor.
OI! Neither my chocolate OR my shoes are safe !! 


  1. LOL!!! That girl knows what's important in life. I'll give her that!

  2. ROFL!!! I know I should not "laugh" and I am sure you weren't when you found that is just too funny!!! She has a nose for the sugar - that one!! :) lol I bet she had a whopper of a tummy ache! lol

  3. OH oh and thats nothing! This morning, from some God forsaken hole in the wall she produced her mini M&M toy mama gave her for V-day, and it's full of candy cause i had it hidden, and yeah, pre toast, mouth covered in chocolate!!
    ROFL It was very hard to spank her bottom, she was awful cute!

  4. What weekend is she staying at my house. Do I have time to hide my chocolate???

  5. May 24th, plenty of time to find a decent hiding spot! :) Better watch your shoes though!


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