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Showing posts from March, 2008

Say my name say my name........

On the way from dropping Grant off to school, Sam and I had a rather amusing conversation. It went something like this..... "mommy, whats your name? Oh i know...Shawa! " thats right "What is Daddy's name?" michael "What is Grant's name? oh! Grant! What is Uncle Matt's name?" matthew "What is Uncle David's name?" david "NOPE! His name is DUDE!" o.0 who am i to argue? :)

Because in my line of work, freaquent and random bouts of laughter are a nessesity!

My Brilliant Nephew artist ..... And this ..... is just funny!

16 miles of bridge in the middle of the ocean, and a federal summons on the horizon!

sooooo, we went to see Amy this weekend. Actually we went on a LOOOOONG road trip and happened to find Amy right in the middle of it, heehehehe.Yes, we ( mom and myself) left her house in Bomoseen at 1am saturday morning, and drove and drove and drove for 12 hours till we got to where Amy is now residing in Norfolk Virginia. We were bringing her some more of her things, to help her set up home. some of those things were a queen size bed frame, box spring, and mattress, a dresser, and some other various items, and it was supposed to rain the entire trip, torrential downpour really. So on top of being totally weighed down in the truck, we had to tarp it all and tie it all so that the wind and rain couldn't' dampen our cargo. Well, it was pretty fine till we got to Virginia, then we hit some wind on route 13 going towards the Chesapeake bay, then rain, then wind AND rain, and then torrential downpour and whipping winds, it was pretty much miserable. and nearly impossible to drive ...

yes SIR!

i mean, there a reasons they posted a 15MPH limit by the gates, incase some terrorist housewife is speeding through, trying to run from the Naval police, so they don't confiscate her AMRY ID. I tell ya, you can never be to careful!  More at 11 ............... :D

Jelly Beans are so last week!

okay, so my hubby got me these wonderful chocolates for valentines day, I had 2 so far. I was saving them, you know, savor them kind of thing.  Well, we put Sammy in our room for a nap. She is a very good girl normally, however, yesterday, different story. Yeah, I ate two, this is how i found them, with my daughter having chocolate around her precious mouth, while sitting in the middle of ALL my shoes. ALL of them pulled out of the closet, out of their boxes, all over the floor. OI! Neither my chocolate OR my shoes are safe !!