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Showing posts from August, 2007


Well, i've had this video banging around in my head for a while now, since i started that other blog of mine. These are the songs that inspired the blog, (that and the fact that David didn't know we went to Florida once LOL) So here is my Generations video, tissues may be needed for anyone who knows the people involved. *lol* Oh, and i put the first story up on the new blog, also, anyone who has a story to share with the rest of us, send me an email with your blogger-email-addy, and i will add you on to the list so you can post :)

The Great sunflower Massacre of '07 and the shopping therapy thereafter.

Hee heehehee Well geez, this is our second storm with "damaging winds" (as matt calls it) well the second one to hit my street, there have been several in our state this year, but i have just never seen SUCH damaging winds here in our nook. Major trees got taken out this time, just random trees snapped, or knocked over, our landlords almost lost their house to one big pine. We were out of power overnight, no big deal, but mike's grill got picked up and thrown across the yard we found marble sized hail in a little pile, and the whole side of our house was plastered with debree. No one got hurt no serious monetary damage, but pretty cool to look at the aftermath. Here is a pic of what the garden behind our house looked like afterwards .... sad sad sunflowers :( Oh, and this is Sammy in Clarie's, LOL she LOVES that store, could be expensive :)

How DO they do that?!

You ever wonder that?you look at something cool and wonder, How does that work? Well i guess most people with any kind of imagination do, and some of the smart ones just 'know' how it's done. Then there are the "tinkerers". The ones who are pretty sure they know, but they just have to SEE it. Does ANYONE know ANYONE like that? My son, my son is similar to a tornado, in that he is calm quiet and quite pleasant most of the time, however, when his energy hits a certain level, he leaves massive destruction and waste in his wake. Leave him alone in a room too long, and wallpaper disappears, blinds become new amazingly aggravating sculptures, curtains are removed from windows and turned into a "SUUUuuuuuuuuPERMAN" costume. The most recent victim was the hamper. Just a cheap hamper, a fold able one, you know, the type with mesh and a wire frame, perfect for boys to throw things in, sit on, walk into, move, pretty indestructible, until, the child decides he WILL...

Wordless Wednesday #29 Cape Cod, Ahh the beach!

Read first post :) for more Wordless Wednesdays, click HERE