Sometimes ........ everyone once in a while ... I wonder, how do they go from peppering me with questions 24-7 like I'm the encyclopedia Britannica ...... ( which I believe is now obsolete..) and then the minute I tell them a fact, or issue and order .... they question my very existence, and start talking down to me like I'm a teenager that just shoplifted. Why is it that the mornings I'm hopping out of bed ..... ( ok I NEVER HOP...but me chipper pre-10am, IS hopping ) I'm singing them out of bed, and they can't be woken even with the promise of ice cream for breakfast ...( no, we don't eat ice cream for breakfast..) I am ready to make Pancakes and muffins and bacon, and they can't even make it to the table in time to eat a bite of anything, not that they are hungry anyway. Then the days I'm barely alive and kicking, they are up, out of bed, in outfits that don't match and are inside out, inside down and backwards. Not to mention very weather inappr...