I have a son, his name is Grant, he is 8, he was born in Springfield Mass. while Hurricane Isabelle beat down on top of us. He was our first child, and he was 10lbs 10oz. He is adorable, and smart, and quick witted like me, he is also brilliant and outgoing like his Dad. He has a knack for sports, and a love of computers. His favorite food is Mac n Cheese, and he loves his dog. Grant is also my #1 challenge in Life right now. From the moment he started speaking and showing personality, it was clear that he was going to be one of a kind, and no walk in the park. He has problems with focus, if we took him to be examined by an expert, he would be "labeled" as ADHD, and who knows what else. Maybe at some point I will do that, just for the expert advice on how to deal with it better. For now though, we know him, we know how he is, and we know he is a GOOD kid and a SMART kid, he just has things about his little body he can't control. He can't sit still, he can't stay o...
Mom of Teens, sharing the stories of our life.