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Showing posts from August, 2008

Lotion Commotion and the Bead Stampede.

There are days that i wonder where my babies went, Grant puts his shoes on, Sammy picks her clothes out, they swim and talk, and chit and chat and squeal with glee about school, and i wonder WHEN did they get so big? Maybe i really am coming out of the "baby stage" And how sad, but how fun, how cool to think about the fun we can have as they get older ...... Then, days like today ,..... and i wonder, what woman in her right intelligent mind CHOOSES this crazy hairy, insanity inducing, bi-polar producing, madness soaked, dirty, nasty, smelly job??? and WHY on God's Green Earth would i EVER want to start all over?!?!! I'm quite sure you have no clue what i mean. ROFL Today was planned well, executed differently, and almost survived with no casualties, so far. :) I woke u p, late, cranky from no sleep, and early awakening from the ball of energy that sleeps and bounces across the hall from me. I walk down the hall, avoiding him, so i don't say something mean and...

"Don't stick tinkertoys up your nose"

This is title of a book my mom and aunt always wanted to write, about all the crazy things kids do, and say, and the things you mom never warned you about, the phrases you never imagined you'd use. My kids have been giving me all kinds of "first time, hope i never have to do THAT again" moments this summer. Here are a few cute moments. My son was playing on his wake board, in the grass with Sammy, and she was trying to share, and he wouldn't so I scolded him .. he says " awww, C'mon Mom! I'm surfin' the net here!" On the way home from swimming one day the darli ng were playing the ever popular, "Don't look at me" game and it's cousin, "She's looking at me! make her stop!" . SO i said to them ... "Do you know who else is looking at you? God! God is ALWAYS watching, and you had better remember that next time you wanna be mean." Grant is very solemn, and then Sammy in her pixie voice pipes up .. "God?...