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Why I am Weird Meme ...

I saw this on Heth's blog and liked it ... so i took it :)

9 Weird things about Yubby

  • I go by my nickname "yubby" more often than by my given name of Sara. My family rarely calls me by that, my hubby calls me by it, my nephews call me by it, only my in laws insist on the Given name :) Even my DJ name is Yubby :P
  • I can memorize drama scripts and movies in mere minutes, i walk around with a Smithsonian of movies quotes ranging from nearly ever John Wayne movie ever made all the way to Disney classics, New Disney, pixar, STar wars, LOTR, ..... oh it's CRazy.....BUT ask me to remember what time Church starts? Or when my next dentist Appointment is, or why there is an extra 30$ in the Checkbook......... couldn't tell ya :P
  • I LOVE socks! SOCKS rock my ... erm... socks :) I collect them, I almost have them for every major holiday we celebrate, and of course for every season. I think the weirder twist of this is, I got this Sock SIckness from my Dad. :) He is the original lover of socks :) And all his were OD green ARmy socks how dreadfullly boring!
  • I know more about tools than my husband. I spent 5 years working in the tool area of Sears, selling tools, stocking them, using them, fixing them ..... yuh I'm a Craftsman junkie :)
  • (The next 2 i stole from Heth as it's ME to a TEA!)I rarely finish a beverage. Whenever I go to my parents' house, I leave an almost full glass of ice water sitting on the counter. Rootbeer? Now that's a different story. Milk needs to be cold. VERY cold.
  • When I load the dishwasher, I leave the water running almost the whole time. Sorry environment!
  • I LOVE to dress up. I've gone to LOTS of movies in costume. Star wars first then we moved on to LOTR. I sat in long lines with my little sister both costume clad camped by the door for the FIRST tickets to the new movies. I dont take myself very seriously, therefore i can afford to look the part of a fool :)
  • My FAMILY is NUTS! My mother will go to work tomorrow in costume for Halloween. She borrowed my dress, and my sister's monarchy Faerie wings, and added some of her own oddities .... my MOM is 50 sumpin year old people! NUTs ii tell ya, totally nuts :P
  • I name my Teddy bears after TV detectives. My first was Quincy, my latest is Munch From "Homicide' Life on the street" The bear even has Munch's same bad attitude according to my mother :)
So, now you know some oddities about me ..... yeah .. fun :)


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