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Great Pumpkins Batman!

Happy ... Tuesday! :) No i don't "Celebrate" halloween, it isnt a day or reason i care to "celebrate" BUT, i DO love seasons and festivities, and being in dressup. So, we carved a great big lovely pumpkin yesterday, My first time doing that actually, it was alot of fun, Grant LOVED the " 'cooping out the ucky messy yuck" part the best :)

My hubby's family has always celebrated Halloween, this is my last year not making a stink about it, my kids are still kinda young to go out and trick or treat, so i will dress them in thier costumes we got for our annual "Creation Celebration" at church, and they will go see MaMaw and hand out candy to the neighborhood ghouls. Next year *groan* Next year i must say, No, we do not trick or treat, BUT we will still come over dress up and give out treats. After all, we can learn lessons from the Joy of giving :)
Our Party at church was a blast, I dressed the part of Princess, after all, I am ALWAYS a princess, but on sunday i dressed the part :) We turn our entire Church building into a Carnival of various games and face painting and food and candy and prizes, we invite everyone and anyone who wants to come play games and eat sweets. Only restriction is no scary costumes, but other than that, wear what you like :) It is fun every year, and this year i took hom the decorative pumpkins. Hence George, the face :) and then i cooked up the other two, took me all day to cut up cook and mash the things :P I also roasted the seeds, and made creamy pumpkin soup fr dinner, YUMMEH!
Grant Told me i HAD to make the pumpkin scary, who ever heard of a silly pumpkin :P
He also tried to imitate the face LOL thats this last pic, isnt he a darling? heeheheheee so today, i must freeze all the orange mush, bake some yummy pumpkin treats and .... hope to GOURD i never see another pumpkin in all my life :D


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