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Autumns of another Time

Do you remember when summer NEVER ended? Then when Fall showed up, it was glorious, and lasted FOREVER. The smells everywhere, new clothes smells, new boots smells, new pencils, new notebooks, new tape :D Pumpkin spice, dried leaves under a crispy misty morning dew. Apple orchards, apple pies, apple sauce, apple cider, pumpkins everywhere, and on a quiet fall afternoon in the country, the sound of dried cornstalks shivering in the wind, almost like they anticipate the coming of winter.

This weekend i got a peek into my past. It was GLORIOUS weather all weekend. Bright clear crisp and Peak foliage. On saturday an old friend dropped off a new toy for Grant, well, new to us, well loved by many already, but has LOTS of use still. A Large plastic playhouse for outside. It's so cute! He LOVES it, I even ran out and got a little set of play food to use in the mini kitchen. I got to play with him some, and it was fun! Sitting in that little house, playing with the plastic food, making mushroom clover grass salads, and feeling the fall air blowing through the tiny little hideaway. It reminded me of Many Many fall days spent in woodpile play houses, forest playhouses, falling apart garage playhouses, little pieces of the planet we claimed for our own, once inside we were worlds away from real life, and all those pesky adults. :P

Then on sunday we went apple picking. I LOVE apple picking, i love having the bag of apples on my counter and trying to find enough things to make to use them all up. We went with Mike's family, the WHOLE family pllus a couple friends of Andrea's and our friends Rob and Jenny with thier little boy. Grant has a blast with his uncles chucking apples, and eating apples, and eating more apples. LOL We found a couple "woolybear" catipillars. One was named "soccer" since he curled into a ball, the other was named, "Frendyy" since he was so friendly and crawled all over Grants entire arm *lol*
We topped it off with AWESOME Lomanno Pizza at the Doenges' house, and a walk in the evening that was just gorgeous in the sunset with all the colors on the mountain.

It was a good weekend, tiring, but fun, and VERY vermonty :D
Now, i will drink coffe, eat apple pie for breakfast and then find some apple recipies! :)


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