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Handy Dandy .. Mousa-ka-tools!

Remember Blue's Clues? How he always had his "Handy Dandy Notebook!" whenever he needed to write something down? Have you seen Mickey Mouse lately? He has a clubhouse, and this little electronic pair of ears that follow him all day full of "Mouse-ka-tools" and amazingly, the tools are only and EXACTLY the ones he needs.

WHY have they not invented these for Mom's? WHY do I not have a Notebook that pops up everytime i say>..."I better write that down!" I don't care if it's in blue crayon, as long as the thought doesn't get forgotten till it's too late!

What about screwdrivers? OI for cryin' out loud, I'll be tidying my kitchen and wonder why on God's green earth do I have ALL the screwdrivers in the whole house in my Silverware drawer??? Then, when i need one, do you THINK i could find it? Or a thermometer? I KNOW i must own at least 8, cause I've seen them, when we are all well, and I'm organizing, but as soon I feel Sammy's head, and say, OI, all the thermometers scatter to the ends of the earth. >_<

I was thinking, in a perfect world, I would have those ears, and give cheers .. .(it's a mickey thing .. you'd have to see it ) ... then I remember a dream, from last night, it was a glimpse into a much more Mom-friendly world.....

...Picture this ..... **this is all I remember of the dream** .......I am walking in a lonely field,out in nowhere land and finally get cell service ..... **and oddly it looks strikingly similar to an NCIS set i may have seen on TV that night** so I go to dial a number, and alas! My phone dies. BUT! Then .... i say ....
"Dagum! well, I guess I'll have to plug it in"
, and I do ... cause you see, now, I am in my nice little car with the charger and a full tank of gas, and driving to safety and wondering why I thought I was in trouble.

Isn't that a nice world? **siiigh**
ok, back to my lunch, PB&J with cheddar sharks .... it's the good life, really, it is. :D


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