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Life in general

Soooo, life here has been pretty run of the mill. Nothing outstanding, but not quite slow enough to sit and think. :)
We are fast approaching summer, it seemed it would never come!
We have been recording our radio show regularly on Sunday nights, an it broadcasts on Friday nights. If you are ever interested in listening in LIVE tot he recording session, look up on a Sunday evening around 9ish, you WON'T regret it! Well, you may, but not enough to make you cry, hopefully.... hmm ..anywhoooooo
Sammy has recovered from her little "allergic incident" but it seems she is now itching again, and terribly congested, so I'm starting to wonder if some plant in my yard is making her allergic? She didn't break out until she and Grant went outside on the first dry sunny day and played and romped and rolled in the grass. vweerry interesting!
Grant is doing well in school. He has successfully mastered the Tricycle, very impressive i must say! He gets smarter and smarter every day. The other day he said
"I think i am smarter than you mom!"
He had shared some information on Owls with me that i didn't know, therefore, he has more knowledge. ahhh kids!
Sammy is getting more and more girly as the days go on, she is a princess always, and then sometimes she is a Princess knight, or a princess runner, or a princess soccer player, or even a princess dragon. wow. Today she sang a new song, about her new favorite flower. it went something like this...
"dandelions, dandelions, dandelions, i wuv dandelions!"
the pronunciation was more like this
"Dayundeewions, dayundewioons, dayuuundeewions, i WUV dayundeewions!!"

soo anywho, i think thats all for now, to see a few new pictures look up my face book profile, i just posted them this morning.


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