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"I know the plans I have for you .........................."

This is the verse we use so often this time of year, for graduates, for people getting married, for babies. But it is also a useful verse for times of sadness. When we sit and stare into the dark cold night and Wonder WHY? WHY do these things have to happen? WHY to these kind of people??

Yesterday As we went from Church, to a fund raising event at the local pizza place. (To raise money for The teens Mission trip this summer to WV) On the way there, News started trickle in about a Car accident. A BAD one, and it was our kids in it. Not the ones going on the trip, but part of the youth group, the big sister of one of the boys going on the trip.
The news was dismal, she was airlifted to DHMC, she was in critical.
Our church hosted a church-wide celebration. A whole bunch of area churches coming together to sing and dance and show off different talents. All to praise and Worship God. The whole time people everywhere in the building were fighting to keep it together up to their performance, then they left the room, and alot of the teens ended up meeting a Sunday school room for prayer and bible reading, waiting for news and hoping it was gonna be good.
It wasn't about an hour after everyone was done and went home, we got the news. She had died, from her massive injuries, mostly a fatal blow to the head.
That verse is the on her Father was holding onto at the hospital.
It's so tragic, seems so useless, but we do have faith, and her family is an amazing example of Faith. Her little brother was praying with other people for Their loved ones while he waited to see if his sister would survive surgery on her brain. Her Father told the driver that no one was angry with him, and to know that his greatest Gift to Chrissy was to accept Christ, and she was at peace.
Christine Kelly Besaw

Today i have an extra baby, since the Youth Pastor is a little tied up, and his wife is trying to hold the entire universe together, (thats her thing....we call her her SupperJenny) :)
It's appropriately cloudy, and I just want to hug Jimmy!
(thats her little bro, he's a hugger, and is the one who gives out hugs when people need it)
so, anywho, i have to get more coffee, i can't end this correctly, cause i have no answers or conclusions, just tears :(


  1. Oh, Sara, I'm so sorry to hear the news. This is a painful time for the whole CBC family. You're in our prayers.

  2. It sometimes seems so senseless. The most beautiful people not just in appearance but from the heart. They leave this earth to quickly1!! My thoughts and prayers are with the family and you yubby :)

    Your friend


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