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odd n ends

So, here we are, as hazzie likes to say. It's friday, the last day of a nutty week, quite unlike LAST friday where i was all excited about getting out without kiddos, this week im gearing up for boy's birthday party. :) I'm actually kinda excited, it's the first one I've planned with 'structure'. Usually it's just everyone coming over, munching on food, and then we get around to gifts and cake before the kids start to beat each other up LOL.
So, this time, i have two games and a little simple craft project, so that should be fun.

Our little trip to Boston was awesome! We had a very nice hotel for a nice 'price-line' price :) we got to shop at IKEA, which i have never seen in person, and now I am addicted!! :) We went clothes shopping for mommy and Daddy. I got SUCH a cute dress, oh and shoes, yes shoes to die for LOL. My sis in aw may be jealous :D and THATS not easy to do

Aren't they adorable? Heehehee!

oh, and i can't forget, the GRANTISM of the month heeheee
So, Mike'e brother Calls Grant on his birthday, says to him

"So Grant, how old are you? Are you older than me now?"
"I don't knw Uncle daniel"
"Grant, are older than ME now?
"I don't know!"
"Grant, how old am I? old right? So, are YOU older then me now?"
wait for it.....
"I don't know UNcle DANIEL, WHO is Menow?!!"



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