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Keys to success in Life ....

Rule #1
Be Confident in your abilities .....
know what you can do and know you do those things well..... case in point ...
i LOVE to make things with my hands, crochet is something i picked up again and I am just havng a ball with it!
Here is My rag doll ..(formerly known as "Sara Doll" recently re-named "Mommy Doll") well she was in need of some new clothes that sammy could dress her in easily, so i went to work, aaand maybe went a bit overboard, LOL but it's fun, and I'm good at it!

Here is the afghan i recently finished for Grant's bed, he will get it next weekend at his birthday party, and it coordinates well with the new **cough** NASCAR bedding he is getting. heehee

I am also trying to make new stocking for Mike Sammy and Grant, copying the one my Memaww made for me many years ago.

How To Become a Wilton Method Instructor

Another thing im looking at recently is Teaching "the Wilton Method" Woohhoo! :) Yup, i got an interiew at the local party store, they want me to start at the end of November by finishing up Course #2 , then starting up Course #1 in January. :)So yay, i could be a cake decorator/teacher. Woot! another thing i'm pretty good at :)

So yes, embrace your talents, revel in them, be confident in them!
and stick to them LOL

Rule #2 ..
KNOW your limitations!
yes i can make many things.... but ... it seems ...

Hairdressing is NOT one of my talents .... :o EEK!
I guess we BOTH need a hairdresser now :) Good thing im pretty friendly with this lady named Rose. She's my friend! She will fix it LOL.


  1. Oh my gosh--step AWAY from the scissors. I actually think you can be arrested for giving a haircut like that. LOL
    But great job on the dolly clothes and being an official Wilton demo person. Yippee for Sara!!

  2. Can't stop laughing . . . I was scrolling and reading from the top and thinking "She doesn't usually go on about herself like this . . . " Then the picture of the hair cut and that cute trusging face . . off to giggle some more!!

    Congrats on the cake decorating - you will be great and fun too!! And man can you make roses !!!

  3. Thanks for the laugh, Sara :) I think we have all been there with scissors and "unruly" hair at one time or another :) on a sidenote, she looks SOOOO much like her Mommy!!! Wow!!

    Great job on the doll clothes! i was thinking of learning how to crochet or knit while Eric is gone **enter maniacal laugh here** WHEN??? LOL Jonathan and I were just reading in Little House in the Big Woods about Laura's new doll too :) So cool that Sammy has a rag doll :)

    A Wilton instructor!!! Ohhh...very exciting!! One of these days, I will finish taking the courses. You will be a fun teacher! Have a great time!




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