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Wordless Wednesday#25 "Blogging for PEACE ..... OF MIND"

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  1. Someone posted on my memorial day post something about Blogging for Peace on June 6th. Well, I'm not against Peace, but I am also behind all our soldiers, and their mission. One of those soldiers is my big brother, pictured here. He is soon to depart on his second tour in IRAQ. His primary mission is to help restore the Infrastructure of the country, by getting the power systems up and running again.
    He is also teaching the Iraqi engineers how to do it themselves. The old "Teach a man to fish" idea. When asked if he would end this war today if he could, his response would be a definite NO! He can see the big picture, he has been in the trenches, shaken hands with the people we have sworn to protect. He has seen action, death, and victory in ways we don't even want to imagine.
    When asked if I would "Blog for Peace" My response is .... How about Peace of mind? Do you know WHY you have the freedom to run a campaign like blogging for a cause? Because soldiers like my big brother, gladly volunteer to go to other countries, under the banner of freedom, and to fight to give them a chance at the kind of life we americans take for granted. So they too can live with PEACE OF MIND.

  2. Have a great WW!! my husband is a soldier too.

  3. Very well said! And...WOW!...your brother is a HANDSOME soldier ;-) He deploys Sept or Oct less than a month after moving kiddos and I to Hawaii. Pray for him!!
    ~~ Your sis-in-law and PROUD wife of said soldier :)

  4. **waves to DroolieJoolie**
    Hi sis! How did you find your way here? Welcome!! huggles to the nieces and nephews :)

  5. We have been "lurking" for awhile ~keeping up with all the East Coasters :) I need an easier to way to update and stay in touch and send pics than a bazillion emails ~ so here I be :)

    Hugs to Grant and Samantha too :) Can't believe I have never even met your little people! :(

  6. Good for you. I chose to honor June 6's WW by noting it's the anniversary of D-Day. Thank you to your brother and thank you to my kids' great uncles and thank you to all the other soldiers and veterans.

  7. I have yet to find a soldier, including my husband or his two brothers that WANTS to be deployed, yet all of them also see the usefulness and can say that there is definite progress being made that isn't being talked about enough . . . great post!!

  8. Many thanks to your brother! Great pics!

  9. Wonderful post--well said--he must make his mother very proud :)


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