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I am the Terror, that flaps in the night....."

That weren't no duck!!
OI to the VEY!!
So, my hubby has this new job, great job, and he only drives 15 minutes each way, as opposed to an hour+. So I have been getting up with him in the morning, we have coffee and talk without the kiddo distraction.
This morning, we got up, he showered, i made coffee, we chatted, and then i hear the oddest thing.
"now how in the world did BAT BAAAT!!"
**this is where yubby doubles over in fear, schreeeches and runs out the door mike opened for the bat to fly out of**
Yes a bat, possibly crawling down from the attic trap door over the cellar stairwell. after about 20 minutes of Mike chasing it with a broom and smacking it twice, he got it to fly out the back door. I ended up telling the story of the monster bat that we found in my mamaw's apartment in Roanoke many moons ago. I remember THAT bat being nearly a foot tall ..... im sure thats wrong ..right? I DO remember mom well though, and yes, i AM my mother's daughter.
""MIKE! Get it out before the kids wake up! They will freak!""
Have you ever tried to convince a bat to fly in a certain direction? Not quite so easily done. :P
Sooo anywhooo, thats how i started my day! How's yours??
*yubby is still shaking*


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