OI to the VEY!!
So, my hubby has this new job, great job, and he only drives 15 minutes each way, as opposed to an hour+. So I have been getting up with him in the morning, we have coffee and talk without the kiddo distraction.
This morning, we got up, he showered, i made coffee, we chatted, and then i hear the oddest thing.
"now how in the world did BAT BAAAT!!"
**this is where yubby doubles over in fear, schreeeches and runs out the door mike opened for the bat to fly out of**
Yes a bat, possibly crawling down from the attic trap door over the cellar stairwell. after about 20 minutes of Mike chasing it with a broom and smacking it twice, he got it to fly out the back door. I ended up telling the story of the monster bat that we found in my mamaw's apartment in Roanoke many moons ago. I remember THAT bat being nearly a foot tall ..... im sure thats wrong ..right? I DO remember mom well though, and yes, i AM my mother's daughter.
""MIKE! Get it out before the kids wake up! They will freak!""
Have you ever tried to convince a bat to fly in a certain direction? Not quite so easily done. :P
Sooo anywhooo, thats how i started my day! How's yours??
*yubby is still shaking*