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Paradigm Shift

The term "paradigm shift" has found uses in other contexts, representing the notion of a major change in a certain thought-pattern — a radical change in personal beliefs, complex systems or organizations, replacing the former way of thinking or organizing with a radically different way of thinking or organizing:

Pre-Columbine ... School violence was a couple of punches thrown in the hallways over a girl or a game.
Pre-911...... Airplanes in the sky were white noise
Pre-Parenthood ..... Multi-tasking was a fun trick

Pre-April 16th 2007..... Wind was neat, and wind was white noise, and wind meant the storm was near over ......

Around 730am in the morning my best friend called me in a panic, asking if we were ok , if we had seen any funnel clouds.

Funnel Clouds?!?!
Let me set this up for you. Sunday night the forecast was calling for 20" of wet heavy snow, and most likely widespread power outages. So i filled up pots of water, dug out the candles and flashlights, made sure babies were bundled up, cracked open my window and went to bed.
I recall waking up around 3am to the "sound" of no power, but what really caught my attention was how strong the wind was. it was blowing my curtains HORIZONTAL! I thought .."Wow, major snow storm, probably aught to close the window."
So, What in the world was Jenny talking about? Looking outside didn't yield too many clues except, WHERE was all the snow? The Wind was whipping, it was rushing like a freight train, why dint we have power? Did a tree fall on a line somewhere?
The better question is .... Did a tree NOT fall anywhere :P this first picture ( taken with my cell phone ) is why i had no power :P well ..mostly why i think *LOL* this is a mile east of my house.

This could have been another reason on the north side of my house
I went up to the older part of town where it was said to be a warzone, looking to see how My uncles family house fared ....

These are the kinds of scenes i was seeing the closer i got, but ... although i didn't get a picture, It was THE ONLY house on Temple street that looked untouched. Not a limb on the lawn not one of the old tall pines looked different at all. It was a little scary really, but i laughed pretty hard. Even her Tulips on either side of the walk were still perfect and perky. :)

This was Killington Ave. A Main artery of travel in Rutland ..impassable, must find a way around. :P

This is the house across from our church, the house seemed OK, but umm yeah ...messy.

Our church was spared damage , the parsonage next door got a little roof damage, but nothing bad, and it was due for replacement anyway. Al our antennas, satellite dish, HUGE trees next to the parking lot, all in tact ... Miracle :) .... ohh, but our telephone pole was shaky it seems, at least thats all we can figure about the CVPS truck tied to the pole and holding it up :P

And this would be Jenny's house, off of stratton, another major raod in Rutland, this neighborhood, and nearby blocks got hit the worst it seems, and MAN what a mess!!
I didnt get hit nearly as bad, lost some fencing we were hoping to have taken down anyway .... and my son's house was Literllay, Blown to the four winds. yuh Blown apart in 4 different directions ... very odd. :P

this was down on Dorr drive, and um they got hit pretty bad too ... i am sure most of these people still have no power.

So, yeah, thats how my week has been so far, wind to me now is NOT white noise, it gives me goosebumps. Trees swaying in the wind, not quite so pretty. :P
It has been rough, camping at my in laws, then finding out out their water supply was depleted and no one knew the power was out on the pump. Having people displaced, cold, wanting warm water, home cooked food, their own beds, and then kids in amongst that, not knowing what to think or why they keep getting shuffled around, or driven in the car all day to stay warm, and find something to do.
Jenny still has no power in the middle of the city, obviously im back up and running, so i can help with laundry and stuff, but it's rough. Today we have sunshine, and more and more crews keep showing up to speed up the process of getting the lights on. No one was killed or even hurt so far in this whole thing, people are helping people, neighbors and strangers all pitching in ... It's a REALLY cool thing. All in All it could have been ALOT worse. Kids were on spring break, so no buses ran. Shelters went up fast, emergency food services, its awesome.
Then I read about the atrocities in Blacksburg Va. What a horrific event! One of my best buds went to school there, and his whole family has ties to the school now. It hurt me inside to think of how that day must have been for the Hokies. My heart goes out to them!


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