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Everybody needs the same Jesus

Yes this weekend was a whirlwind, with Easter, being such a huge holiday for me ... and the fact that sunday was full of food and family all congregating on my house all day long. :)

But it was more than that .... this weekend has sent me into this train of thought that is most cool, so i hope i can share it without muddling it all up.

This time of year my mind tends to drift back several years to a spring i dont much talk about or address. Not that i have it crammed down inside of me and it hasn't been dealt with, i just don't like to "play that card" unless it's really necessary. I am pretty sure that whole thing is in the 2nd or 3rd post of my blog.
This weekend, i have dealt with the death of a friend i met online, a saint in every aspect really. An innocent child, who loved her Jesus so intently she knew her angels name, and would tell us about it, and about how excited she was to go meet her Saviour, and how she hoped we wouldn't cry too long, but know she was happy, and smiling, and finally running barefoot in the rain .... sigh ....
I have seen the promise of a dear friend possibly seeing her life as it is, and realizing she needs to do an abrupt 180 before she's is lost for good.
And the old Haunt is back. He always comes back this time of year, in a scent, it's soo weird ... impossible to rid my house of. It sticks, and doesnt go away. It's so unexplained, and i don't wait for it, it creeps up on me i start smelling IT, like cigarettes and weird cologne..... every year. It gets better though, it used to paralyze me, then it just scared me senseless, now, it reminds me of Amazing Grace.
Where am i going? All three things lead back to my main thought. We ALL need Jesus, THE ONE and only Jesus, for all our struggles.
Maple needed Him to give her hope in her painfull illness. To give us all a glimpse of what eternity might look like.
My dear sister in Christ Needs His forgiveness, and needs ours too, she needs US to be forgiving and gracious. Like Jesus.
My haunt ..... that needs Jesus, to remind me how beautiful I am to Him. To remind me of my blessings, to remind me of the beautiful husband i have. and as i heard tonight in Bible Study, to remind me "HE gets it" see i can talk your ear off about what i've been through, about how my life changed, and you may THINK you understand. But JESUS, He Gets it! He knows my pain, my mind, my heart, my hurts ..... He went first .... He can heal my heart ....He was the only reason i could grant that person forgiveness. He is the only reason i am who I am.
He knows YOU too. He gets what YOU went through .. whatever it is, or was, or will be. Jesus already went through it, He GEts YOUR struggle. He can help you too! ...... face it people .... we ALL Need the same Jesus!


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