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I woke up next to a monkey....

No i'm not calling my hubby a monkey, when i rolled over to check the clock after he'd left for work, this is what i came eye to eye with. Only in my house!

too bad the "grant george" isn't quite so comfy.

my son measure sizes by people ...big=daddy ..medium = mommy small=grant ..tiny= samantha
so the little george is "Grant george" and the big one is "Daddy George" and must therefore sleep with daddy :P Yay ... a bear and a monkey in our bed always swore i wouldnt let my kids sleep in our bed at night ...... but never thought about their stuffed animals :P

so in other news ...hmmm .. i finished my cousins gift, but must get it in the mail. its Frigid in the north this week. This is probably somehow to blame for Sam's ear infection and my pneumonia :P I don't like inhalers, they make me shaky, "like a paint shaker" my hubby says :P
Today we are headed over to Lebanon NH for Grant's post op check. Should be simple, but it's an hour away :P so we have to make the best of it, shop in a big walmart, visit daddy at work, and of course McDonald's! :)
so, since we must leave soon, i must end this post, OH yeah, it seems the populous of 97three listeners has FINALLY given me the credit due me :) I do believe im now their FAVORITE DJ :)
My daughter is dancing to the sound of my fast and furious 2 fingered keyboard dance. XD i love my kids heehehee


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