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200 Things About Me.... .. part #2

okie ... My friend SANDRA got me to do this, then my friend Brenda Dared me that i couldnt find 300 things ...:o well, lets go 100 at a time shall we? *lol* ...... 1-30 .. today we go to 200 i will hit 300 before i turn 30 ...... thats 10 things for every year, although im sure it doesn't pan out that neatly .. but anyway ....... here we go again :)

101. I dislike change
102. I'm always up for an adventure
103. I will always reach a point where i wanna turn and run home again
104. When i was in my early teens, my room was ALWAYS, EVER, PINK and GREEN ..sorry amy :P
105. My cousin and I at one time had Matching solid Cherry beds painted blue
106. Those same beds were later painted .... GREEN ... and used by my sister and I with PINK comforters of course!
107. I miss penny candy
108. I'm patriotic .... a tad overboard sometimes but you can NEVER go overboard with RW+B
109. I miss Soda Pop sneakers with pink pompomed bobby socks
110. I once could quote Anne of Green Gables front to back .. i probably still could :)
111. My best friend growing up was Cara Thompson
112. Cara and I played Anne of Green Gables, Grandma's attic, and Mandie .... ALL the time :P
113. My first pet was a white kitty named Snowball.
114. My Favorite pet was a BIG fat tiger cat named Tigger, combined with our sweet dog Scout
115. I am an expert at skating through corn husk stubs in ice. :)
116. I have this "thing" for strawberry lemon aid Snapple
117. At age 11 i completed a Hunters Safety Course
118. I have forged Government Documents ... well just one ..... heehehehee
119. I have one stamp in my passport ... isn't it romantic?
120. my favoitre time of day is 12:34
121. I have seen an Angel with my own two eyes
122. My Father was born on July 4th --independence day--
123. My Mother was born on Nov. 11th -- veterans day--
124. i love brand new notebooks
125. I have an odd affection for Rubber duckies
126. My Favorite bird is a Penguin
127. I have a Penguin named Wilson, after the volleyball on "Castaway"
128. I would sleep on Flannel sheets year round if mike would let me :)
129. I have been on and in LOTS of Tanks :)
130. I like Hummers, Real ones, Army issue ones with Camo Paint and no fluffy add ons.
131. I have cracked my knee cap on my right knee ..... and never went to the doctor DUMB :P
132. I have smoked
133. I have been under the influence of Alcohol
134. I can fake a fabulous Southern accent
135. I Cannot fake an English accent ... apparently .. it's dodgey ... whatever THAT means
136. I have filmed a movie about a Lemon in the wilderness
137. I used to listen to the "free Willy" cassette tape nonstop for hours on end.
138. We listened to John Denver and Muppet's on my Nana's 8 track stereo as youngster's
139. My Nana taught me to notice and appreciate the nature around me
140. COKE ...... i dont drink pepsi, thanks but NO
141. i once owned a beanbag, it was an 8" circle in purple plaid, with googly eyes on it. We all had them ... my uncle got the somewhere ..... random!
142. I had Cheer Bear and Friendship bear
143. I remember my first trip to Toys R Us, My parents had some extra money, and took us three to pick out some new toys, FUN FUN!
144. I used to watch "pinwheel" and "Gumby" on nickelodeon
145. I've been to Epcot Center in Florida.
146. I've been to the Corvette factory in Bowling Green Ohio
147. I've seen snow in Pigeon Forge Tn.
148. My brother went deep sea fishing on the Mississippi River
149. I love brand new crayons
150. I'm deathly afraid of Spiders
151. I'm fascinated by snakes
152. I HATE turkeys ...... long story
153. I have gone star gazing in a field while listening to the critters eating Mr' Hubbard's peppers
154. I too eat violets .. :)
155. I detest FAKE syrup
156. I found out Crisco DOES have an expiration date *shivers*
157. I have lived near haunted buildings
158. i HEARD the ghost in the water tower ..... crazy story :P
159. I used to kill grasshoppers with my bike on hot august days in the country
160. We used to eat rock salt out of the back of my uncles van ...... BLECH!
161. I know how to make a mango into juice without even cutting the mango up :)
162. I think my love of Yellow may come from the big Yellow suitcase my grandfather traveled with
163. i watch Gilmore girls and ER religously
164. Survivor and the Amazing race are my Reality shortfalls
165. "The Ring" Scared the crap out of me
167. so did "signs" so there im a baby okay?
168. Knowing how a movie ends doesnt always relieve the stress for me LOL
169. I HATE math!
170. My Memaw taught me how to make biscuits
171. My dad taught me to make coffee
173. My Memaw taught me how to add Dad's coffee to the biscuit gravy ..... Its all a cycle :)
174. Memaw used to make us bowls of bllackberries still wet with dew, in milk and sugar for breakfast
175. I have gotten flowers and chocolate every valentines day as far back as i can remember. the Atkins girls will get them from Dad until they are married. then the guys gotta keep it up! =D
176. I have a LARGE variety of old odd movies locked in my memory vault.
177. I have seen all the Charlie Chan Movies
178. I stuck my tongue to an icy metal pole on the playground in winter Yes, I did yes, just like the movie ...... now shush!
179. I met Mike on St Patty's day 2001, was engaged new years 01/02, Married Sept 14th 2002, mother Sept 14th 2003. o.o
180. I'm not the most patient person, **see #179**
181. All i need to know in Life i learned from "The Searchers"
182. i spent a weekend in Kennebunk Maine in a cottage ON the beach, and watched from our rafts President George Bush Sr. came into town.
183. I've been in the Newspaper more than once.
184. I was neighbor and friends with the Cabot Family ..... as in Cabot Cheese, even though there were the lesser known cousins .... still, same last name, same family :)
185. I know who bought Mom's Kennedy Rocker15 years ago, and she still does NOT KNOW :D
186. My least favorite parts of doing reports are the outline, and the bibliography.
187. I babysat Kris Dobie for 6 years ish LOL
188. Kris Dobie is one of the top Nordic skiers in the northeast. Go Krispy!!
189. I have taught LOTS of different aged sunday school classes. From toddlers all the way to college aged.
190. I have seen calves born in cow pastures next to several houses.
191. We had a couple cows loose in our yard once or twice. =D
192. I used to swim in a crik' that we dammed up in the summer to make a waterhole. ifwe were feeling more daring,we would go to the old railroad tressel and swim in the DEEP cold water that ran through the 8 feet wide culverts.
193. My Grandparents had a game, and all i remember is pigs, little pigs you put in a cup and rolled LOL but i dont know what the game was called.
194. I've ridden on a Street car in San Fransisco
195. I got Sea Sick on an antique whaling ship
196. I am NOT happy to go to the dentist
197. i have four nephews and 3 neices
198. i went down a double black diamond the very day i learned to ski.
199. My Christmas stocking is Hand Crocheted by my Memaw
200. My brother and spent a whole summer creating a river in our driveway.


  1. I wonder if dad will keep buying me chocolate when I am a 35 year old cat lady?

    That is odd, I was thinking about Charlie Chan for some reason just like, yesterday. RANDOM to the extreme.

    Seven fingers, Marty.

  2. So much to say about all this!! I don't recall the flowers to the daughter each year... you sure you did n't make that up so Mike would have to follow suit?? :P Also---seeing as your Dad has a secret clearance--uh---you want to discuss the forged govt documents thing???

  3. okaaaay i remember LOTS of flowers, maybe not every year *lol*

    the government document thingy was .... well .. mikey couldnt find his hunter safety card .... and how many guys, who loose theirs, have a wife who happens to have hers? heehee ... so we copied, and re-wrote the name ....aaaand yuh .... see? not quite so bad as you thought ....=D

  4. Will you take a bribe to answer 185???

  5. Not sure why my previous comments said anonymous. Good to hear that forge thing wasn't life changing or law breaking. LOL


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