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100 Things About Me....

okie ... My friend SANDRA got me to do this, then my friend Brenda Dared me that i couldnt find 300 things ...:o well, lets go 100 at a time shall we? *lol*

1. I was born in Derby Ct. Feb 18th 1977
2. I am Irish .... no really! i AM!
3. I am a collector and lover of Socks :)
4. I hoard Coca-Cola memorabilia
5. I was Homeschooled for Grades 2-12
6. 90% of my life is lived in Blue Jeans
7. I can Play the Piano, I used to play it ALOT better then i do now. :P
8. I Crave Peanut butter and chocolate
9. I am admittedly addicted to Caffine
10. I almost died twice. (nearly drowned at 3 and nearly died during childbirth, Sammy is fine :)...)
11. My right lung is smaller than my left ..... i think .. maybe the other way around o.-
12. I play Neopets Daily ... gah!
13. My favorite sport is Ice Skating
14. I can sing Nearly every old school "Hootie and the Blowfish" or "BoyzIIMen" song by heart.
15. I'm a brunette ..... (possibly greying ...but no one would know! :) .... )
16. I will be 30 this february
17. I am a mother of Two children whom I Love dearly
18. I am the 3rd child in a line of 7. The oldest girl
19. I grew up in rural New Hampshire in a farming town.
20. I watched the Challenger Explosion Live on TV.
21. I have only one remaining Grandparent. I knew them all well :)
22. I am an Internet Radio DJ.
23. I can Quote the movie "The Princess Bride" from begining to end.
24. I am a Web designer
25. I am a certified Cake decorator.
26. I speak Pig Latin Fluently
27. I have been schooled in the art of puppetry. Scarry!
28. I am an actress ..... small time of course LOL
29. I Have an odd sense of humor
30. I do not like my dumbo ears
31. I like to write
32. I am crosseyed horizontally 0.@
33. I wrote this list on paper first with a flashing pen
34. I have been in several Car accidents
35. I live in Vermont
36. I am going to Heaven when i die
37. I Do not like beans
38. I dressed in costume and waited in line for hours for The new Star wars movies, and also for the 3 LOTR movies.
39. I Used a Military Issue Hummer as a limmo for my wedding
40. I have athsma
41. I love Rollerblading
42. I enjoy doing laundry ...within reason! :D
43. i HATE cleaning the bathroom, but ... i hate a dirty bathroom XP
44. We are related to Davey Crockett
45. I Love SnowStorms
46. I own 2 "American Dolls" Kirsten and Addy
47. I'd rather be camping
48. I want to Skydive one day
49. I'm afraid of heights AND flying
50. We will hopefully be debt free by 2009
51. Im a big holly hobbie fan
52. My favorite color is purple
53. When i was 3 i wanted to be a construction worker
54. I believe in Faries
55. I believe in Santa Clause
56. I belive Lady bugs are good luck
57. I wear Chuck Taylor high tops
58. i HATE feet(except baby feet of course), they are nasty .... see #3
59. Chocolate Chip Cookies
60. I type with two fingers
61. Bananas are only edible for 2 days IF they are slightly green, and on Cheerios with sugar
62. I never attended college
63. I attended a college bible study for 5+ years
64. I've been to Guatemala for a missions trip
65. I tilled, hoed, and planted a feild on the side of a mountain in guatemala with handtools
66. I eat peanut butter on pancakes, sometimes :)
67. I've watched a volcano erupt
68. I've walked on black sand beach
69. I've gone through the everglades on an Air Boat
70. I am an Army brat (My dad got to E8 master sargeant. he now teaches people to use state of the art tank simulators.
71. My cousin Katie has always been and remains my closest friend
72. I married the LOVE of mylife.
73. I barely swim
74. I love sailing
75. My favorite place to see the ocean is on a NewEngland Beach.
76. Wet socks are evil
77. I rent my home
78. In the 80's i was obsessed with Care bears, My little pony, Strawberry shortcake,transformers,and LEGOS.
79. I've played video games on the Atari, c64, MANY years of DELL, OLD Apples NEW MAc's and even cell phones
80. I love chenille blankets
81. My son was 10lbs 10oz. and born via c-section after 12 hours of labor :P
82. My Daughter was 7lbs 10oz, born via c-section,nearly killed me ..... no really!
83. Both my children have my odd witt
84. My Aunt Toni served as Mayor of San Diego CA for a short time.
85. I'm a yankees fan
86. My cousin Graduated from UT with a Vet Degree. He is a vet in NH now.
87. I used to attend re-enactment type thanksgiving dinners in pilgrim or indian garb.
88. Prefers country living to city living
89. I've seen a live, wild, cougar walking across my yard.
90. My cat Steph had kittens under moms couch
91. I use my phone to text more often than calling people
92. I'm petrified of spiders
93. I'm afraid of the dark
94. My favorite verse is Joshua 1:9
95. I try to live FREE in Christ
96. I love my family above everything else.
97. I love God above my family
98. Christmas is my favorite season
99. Easter is my favorite holiday
100. I was Saved by Grace at age 5 on Palm Sunday.


  1. You don't like beans????? I didn't know that!!!:P Hopefully no car accidents lately!!?? That vet degree was Cumma Sum Laude.

  2. Dad wants to discuss that skydiving thing... did u email your mudder yet? We are concerned about kids in cars on ice and want to hear all is well...

  3. "YOU" is great!! . . . #84 was new to me . . very cool list


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