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Migraine UGH!

shhh! Migriane city here, i can't see my self getting much done today :P UGH!
However, yesterday, i got ALOT done :) i went to see my new neice ... OH i have a NEW neice! She is SOoooo cute ... and i grocery shopped after 9pm :P i replaced the ironing board my son somehow killed *lol*

But the real accomplishment ..
i finished one set of sheets for one of my nephews. Isaac, he and his brother Aiden have the new little sister, so im making them fresh new bedding to make thier room feel new, since little sister gets all the new blankets and stuff :) I'm really happy with how it came out, they have toddler beds, so i modeled it with my daughter's crib.

I did finish a child size mitten for a neice in Washington state, however it feels too loose to me, the cuff is waay off, so im hunting another pattern. Samantha seems to be getting into the crochetting thing too, which tickles me pink :D


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