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Driving in Buses with Teenagers

What a weekend :P To start it all off, our cable provier Adelphia, switched over to Comcast ... yay fun, BUT We lost internet for 3 days, now we also have Vonage ..VoIP ... meaning ... no internet, no phone :P Not terrible, but terribly annoying to not be able to call anyone, and email anyone ..... or check my mail, or look at my bank account :P and of course, chit chat with my friends.
I did however unearth all sorts of treasures in Rearranging many random areas of my kitchen. LOL
Friday night, we,(my hubby and I) chaperoned a teen event called superbowl. We leave at 430pm,on a large premiere bus, head to a hockey game 2 hours away ..... after the game they hold a big youth rally, where they play games and hand out prizes and throw stuff into the stands for the kids .... its fun .. then at midnight, we head back towards home an hour and stop to go bowling, and eat PILES of pizza and unending soda for several hours, then we head to a rollerrick/ laser Tag spot to top it all off. we leave the area at 6am ..... get home around 7 wait for parents to pick up kids and we all go home to crash ... but wait! we have kids! We bring my sibligns home, and pick up our kids, who are well rested and ready for the day ...... unaware that mommy and Daddy are zombies LOL.
Sunday we gathered at church for a HUGE thankgiving potluck in the afternoon. They alos held baptisms and child dedications. Twas a fun evening, but i was DEADer than DEAD when i finally was able to sit and unwind ...... OI! today we recover .... me, my house, and the kids LOL.


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