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I remember

That morning, i was at work. I worked in the sporting goods department of my local Sears store. It was myself and one other person that day, and it was SLOW. We couldn't belive that not one person was shopping today. My co-worker, Emilio, called his girlfriend while i cleaned off the excersize equipment. Then he said the strangest thing.
"Im going over to electronics, something on the news about the world trade center falling, or another bomb or something."
How odd, I remember the last ime the WTC got bombed, that was kinda scarry, not as bad as the Oklahoma city thing i had thought, but how sad if that was true. Maybe i should call my mom?
"Hi Mom, are you okay? I heard that something happened in Ny?" I couldnt understand why my mother was crying, she was so lost ... not talking .... then i heard ..... "Oh my GOD! Sara have to go"
Thats when i ran, I ran to electronics, my first thought was, huh, this is where everyone is. EVERYONE, employees, customers, all crowded around the TVS running the news coverage. There it was the horror on 72 inches of Sony color. New York was burning it seemed like. My mom had been watching the second Plane hit when she hung up. Now i understood. Now we all started to see .... this wasn't an accident! Someone is killing us! someone is flying planes into OUR city!! WHAT is going on!!
Then the first tower fell, i fell, i fell to my knees, along with a couple women around me ... one woman was hysterical she almost collapsed. I just froze, staring, on my knees, praying asking why? asking Who?
Then the news ticker running across the tv said ..... "All military units are on high alert, awaiting orders." Then i lost it, i ran into the stockroom and cried. My brother, is in the Army, my best friends 3 brothers are all Army .... i have sunday school students who are now grown in the army .... suddenly i felt VERY small ... and VERY vulnerable, and VERY PATRIOTIC. Then i got MAD! I'm still mad! not quite so insane, :P but still wishing justice, and now wishing we were still one nation.
I tried to call my Fiance, he was in Mass. where he lived. He laughed at me, i was nervous about how close to boston he may be, who knoew if Boston was safe? who knew WHAT was safe? I wanted him HOME. I NEEDED him home. He was very good, assured me he was fine, and that maybe i should get off the phone, since the entire eastern grid was jammed by people calling cell phones. He's so smart :) I felt a little better, but SO lost.
That night was youth group, but we met at the church, with anyone who wanted to come, and i was worried about to tell these teens, but you know? They told me, they spoke, and gave me hope, they had insight like you wouldn't believe! I was so blessed by that night!
I remember thr candle light vigil on friday night. We lined our main street with candles and sang ... and waved to cars, and brought stuffed animals to our local Fire house, they were driving a truck down to NYC stuffed with animals for the children left behind orphaned by this horrible day. My fiance showed up that night and i was feeling a bit safer, happy to have my loved one, and then felt so blessed that mine could come home. That we would get married and have kids, and how so many people now had lost that, how SAD! SO SAD!
I sat in front of the TV all night, for days i watched, i couldnt take my eyes off of it. It was a month of hell. BUT we all came together like I've never seen. I wish it were still like that now!
I remember my sister. She is a sensitive soul, sensitive to people and thier pain, and intuitive. For days , my sister heard the pain of the people dying in the towers. She HEARD screaming for days inside her head. Until the last day, she came into mom and said ..... the last voice stopped mom, they are all gone now. and she wept ... then slept .. she hadnt slept since it happened. She could only hear the pain, and pray for their souls as they dwindled down to that last voice. Erie i know, but .... almost an honor really. She had a connection to them, no one will ever understand. She won't EVER forget that day.
Even a year later, while i planned for my wedding, people had forgotten already. HOW is that possible? HOW could you possibly forget?? We were shopping for wedding things, and found "we will not forget" pins in a fabric store. The girls there had made them. Mom and i bought some and wore them all day. I still have it ... i wear it. I WILL NOT FORGET!!

WE REMEMBER read more memories


  1. Wow, that was moving, to be with strangers at Sears experiencing the whole tragedy unfold. I am moved by your sisters gift.

  2. What a great post! Thanks for stopping my my blog so I could "meet" you... I understand your sister's gift, I have a brother who has sensitive gifts and it is eery how often they are on target. Poor thing, I can only imagine what she must have gone through.



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