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"George ...... You were never Born"

Winter is on its way. Well we havent really hit fall yet, but here in vermont, as soon as it's cool at night for 3 weeks in a row, we start pulling out winter mindsets, buying heating oil, wood, movies, and new snowsuits.
Winter is my favorite season, but im starting to think it's probably not for all the best reasons. :P I LOVE cold, the colder the better. I LOVE fall the leaves changing, the crisp air, walks in the woods. SNOW! Snow is awesome, snowstorms, sledding skating. skiing, snowmen, snowball fights. Hot Cocoa afterwards. Flannel sheets, warm slippers, CHRISTMAS!
Yup those are all good reasons, but the not so wonderful reason, is that i like to Hermit in the winter. I like to stay in my house, stay away from lots of people. I feel more comfortable pulling away into my shell and not feeling the need to socialize. Dunno if thats ok or not, but i feel it coming on every year. Just about now. It's better this year though, i cant really stay in that much with kids, so i may not fall so victim to the feeling. :P
last night i wanted to dissapear, just go away ... watch from the shawdows, like a ghost. See what life without me would look like. Yeah i have a george Bailey complex I guess. *lol* But think about it .... how would your surroundings be if you weren't in them?


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