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OI VEY!! what a week :P soooo we got the van back on Friday afternoon .... after i had a small meltdown *lol* yes a REAL meltdown :P but! Mike had agreed to buy the extended GM warranty or 1000$ (which i thought was dumb) turns out, the two days of work, and 1300$ worth of parts, not to mention the rental ..... we paid ...... 50$!! yup! FIFTY bucks :) AAANDD! We had that much CASH in our "Car Maintenance" envelope. :) So i went, "paid the guy" drove away in my fully operational van, and decided after the HEdoublehockeysticks of a week i had, we were getting McDonalds! so i spent the rest of my grocery cash on McD's for me and the kiddos. got an iced coffee i didnt need, and put it in the fridge when i got home.

Yesterday, i put the coffee in the freezer, and 4 hours laster .... it wasn't frozen ... 0.o and the rhubarb was squishy ... and the bread was all thawed .... um yuh ... the whole thing was DEAD. so now ... we have a beat up OLD fridge downstairs STUFFED full of food ... and this big empty fridge :P annnd grrr :P


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