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Monday Monday

Ho hum here we are .. on the crux of another week. I feel VERY unready for monday :P Been a tough august. Along with random craziness, there was the little gas sipping toyota that died .... and the Van that keeps overheating, oh yuh, and me running .... err putting about town in a big ol' pickup with two car seats and NO ac.
Now i know ... better than most, that ANY vehicle willing to run and get you from place to place without exploding, is something to be VERY VERY thankful for, but ... i have new respect for my parents everytime i get in these kind of situations :P
We just got 1000$ saved up, and were about to start tackling the debts, but .. now we need to find a 'Tag Sale" car .... as Dave Ramsey puts it. Oh BTW if you don't know .... we are currently in a Financial class, trying to re-build our financial life the right way. The way God wants. The course we are following is "Financial Peace University" by Dave Ramsey. Its been alot of fun, well after the initial teeth grinding, pillow tossing, irish/italian temper clashing .... we got on a budget, started saving for emergencies, and were about to hit the debt ... but there ya go.
At least ..... we DO have that 1000$ in the bank ... we really CAN buy a car if we find one. So thats a good feeling. I am going out for a job now too, which is slightly intimidating . I'm not going for anykind of super position or anything, just a grocery store stocking shelves overnight or something, to bring in extra money we can throw at savings then debt. Filling out Job Ap's is kinda funny now, i havent done t in soo long :P
Friday night was fun, I got to sit in and help with "The Friday Night Meltdown" our internet radio show. Its really alot of fun, and we are trying to get ourselves 'out there' to get some new listeners, get feedback, requests, fan-calls, you know ... showbiz stuff :D LOL Check out the link on the sidebar ... check out our blog, listen to the show ... you'll like i think :)
I'm gonna get coffee now ... it's my lifeline ya know :D


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