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Summer Days

I often feel inferior to sophisticated people, for no good reason i might add. My Mother did a very good job teaching me social graces, and proper english and dress, and on and on .... so i can operate fine in that situation, i just DONT LIKE IT. :) I feel untrue to myself which is silly, because I am always me, sometimes free and flaily, sometimes dressed up and counting the minutes. o.-

Today I remembered why i LOVED our farm house in NH, and why we moved back to the hills of Vermont. Its sunny today, Bright and sunny and hot, and you would be REALLY dense not to venture out at some point today. So i took Grant out, before the noon heat and humidity hits, and we frolicked in the grass kicking a soccer ball, we checked out the landlords garden to see how things are growing. He was most impressed with peas, and pea pods and eating the peas out of them. *lol* better watch him or they wont get any of their peas! Then we played with dirt, which quickly became mud, whch quickly became water fight with hose and bucket :) Now we are in the AC again, well toasted, cooled off and still slightly damp.

THATS what summer is .... this day goes on the short list of "Perfect Summer Days of 06" :)

And now .... for PB&J triangles with milk, followed by homemade chocolate chip cookies. XD Utopian isn't it? Thank God for days like today few and far between as they may be!


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