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I survived Family Camp for one more year! :) This year we took 2 kiddos, it was crazy and stressfull, but fun .... and the kids were really good!

It rained alot :( Pretty much every day it rained, except today, but this morning when we needed to dry all the towels and drenched clothes .... it was warm and sunny, but time to pack *lol* Matt looked like he was having a Tag Sale on the beach this afternoon, he had so many clohes laying out to dry.

We had campfires, and s'mores, made new friends, re-connected with old ones ...... had LAUGHS, a few tears, LOTS of life lessons, just like always :) Today we were able to swin and enjoy sunshine, so that was nice, then we all drove home tired and burnt, and ready for sleep in our own beds!

Here are a few pics i snapped this weekend ... im waiting to see Matt's! XD


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