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Well, life got crazy for everyone. Updating a hair blog didn’t seem very important, but as we stand and look forward at what is sure to be an even more bizarre year end, I find the need to be thinking about something frivolous and fun. I’ve had some serious health issues lately that are still working themselves out, so I really just needed a pick me up. Who doesn’t? So here are some pics, my hair is crazy curly these days, and recently I even cut it, by myself, after doing some online reading about how to do it, and I LOVE my hair right now! It’s so bouncy and light and off my neck!
My last hair appointment before the quarantine shut down.
Got pneumonia had to go to ER for Covid tests and all the fun stuff. Thankfully it was quickly fixed with antibiotics
I am trying to grow out my grey and embrace the “sparkle” but, it’s hard without a good colorist, or cut, so I made it through the shut down with manic panic ultra violet. 🤷🏻‍♀️😂
4th of July, didn’t go anywhere of course, lol but gotta celebrate and my hair was spending too much time up in a bun or pigtails, I think it was time for a cut!
My hairdresser and I are both high risk for Covid, so, I read online about cutting your own curly hair..... so, i did!! I LOVE IT!  It’s so much more curly all around, and so much cooler when it’s off my neck, I am just LOVING my hair right now! 


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