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24hrs of ODD......

so, I have to make this quick, because, I have to go to football practice soon, which is really another entry all together, oh wait I think i already wrote that one ....

It's been an odd 24 hours, it started last night when i walked downstairs, and found my children ......

wait for it ....

sweeping the floor!


I actually called up to the hubs to double check the time and date, you know, in case I had somehow gotten zapped into an alternative universe or something ......... i still don't know WHY they were, i just smiled, said "WOW! Thanks!" and walked back up stairs ..... secretly wondering/ hoping that the dishes were next, hahah I so funny.

Today ends my odd 24 hrs with the discovery of a heart shaped box of beads .....(probably stuffed away in my closet to get it away from a small toddler who would have tried to make "pretties" but would have only succeeding in giving mommy a reason to vacuum the bedrooms AGAIN. ) ...what's funny is that said toddler is now 8 .... sooo ... moving on, the box was upsidedown, on the floor of my closet, and in shoes, and a purse, and rolling into the bathroom. Seems the hubs had a run in with the "pretties" and .... still haven't figured who won that.

I start to pick them up, and a thought happens ...... "She doesn't know these exist! Why tell her? She now has many many sets of beads, and doesn't need another." insert Vacuum ..... then wow, hmm i should do the bathroom floor too, oh, man, bathroom, nasty, should clean that.

Later, as I'm putting away the dishes, AGAIIN, i open the pantry .....DUN DUN DUN!!!! Tupperware waterfall............

Yes pantry....well tupperware section anyway,  now organized.

Laundry still in mountainous state, and mommy not quite showered yet, but these things are so rare in my life, Children cleaning on their own inspiration, clean bathroom, organized tupperware ......... don't look at dirty me.....look at the clean places! It's happy.

Off to make chicken nuggets, for boy, then to practice, (reminds self to bring needle and thread and cheer uniform so it can get it altered to fit midget daughter for tomorrow's game) .........

Oh TGIF everyone!


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