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Who's life did I wake up in?!?!

Rah Rah sis boom bah! ....... wait. .... what??
Cheerleader .... you could say spider, and i might cringe a little less.
Lemme splain .... I am a tomboy. I grew up most of my life with two brothers, mostly boy cousins, and of course all my brothers friends, I had a choice, be the princess, or join in the merriment of being a boy, easy pick. Being a princess was too much work, and required uncomfortable shoes. :P
I played Army, and basketball, baseball, tag, capture the flag, climbed trees, biked all summer, swam in creeks and rivers. I knew how to be a lady, I had manners, I could dress up, but only when it was absolutely necessary, i preferred flannel and blue jeans with a comfy pair of sneakers.
I never wanted to be popular, never really gelled with the people who were. Cheerleaders to me, represented everything I did not want to be. When I was younger, I didn't even really know why, just that they always had perfect hair, and were co-ordinated, and skinny, and had perfect tans, and were so sinkin chipper all the time. :P
As I got older, I did grunge, i stuck to flannel, and jeans, and converse, and baseball hats, I even worked in the stockroom, loading dock at the local Sears. I loathed the cheerleader set, I perceived them as catty, and mouthy, clicky, and mean. I know it's unfair to jumble everyone in this group, or even this whole group as all the same, but c'mon, y'all know what I mean.
So, anyway, here I am, suburban mom, house in a well groomed, well plotted, maintained little neighborhood, two kids, a dog and a truck. I have grown up, I now appreciate shoes, many many beautiful shoes. I dress up more, I wear make up and do my hair. But, I love my sneakers, my hats and my truck, and I do not want to be on the PTO, or my kid in cheerleading, or be a team mom, or whatever. I just want to sail through, be at my daughter's hockey games, my son's football games, help out here and there, but LAWD, keep me away from "that group" ....

Problem ...... my not me ... :P She is a girly girl like no one would believe. As my friend says .."She just farts rainbows" ya, well, we tried soccer, my son loved it, she, liked talking to her teamates, lol and picking flowers. Not her cup of tea.
Recently we went to a Bantam Football game ..

***side note ... Bantam Football?!?!? What is that?? I was shocked by how young the fever starts around here, I mean it's the same with Hockey in VT , I just wasn't ready for it! LOL ***

So we went to this game, and my son, is transfixed on the field. He wants to play football, AWESOME! I Love football, and I love that he wants to play, and the he decided all by himself. I am waiting to see what he says AFTER the first tackle, if he still loves it, then HooRahh! Let's go warriors! :D
Problem ..... they have Bantam cheerleaders too. No JOKE! So, while Grant is eyeing every play and drooling on the maroon jerseys all around him, worn by all his school buddies, my peanut of a little girl, is mimicking the cheerleaders. She is following their every move, perfectly, and turns around and says what i never dreamed i would hear ..
"Mommy! I want to be a cheerleader!! PLEASE? PLEASE can i do that??"
0.0 **sorry kid, mommy just fainted**
Really?? so, so, so, now, I have to be a football mom, which is fine, I'll just be the loud one, and no one will want me as team mom, or on any committees or whatever, but, but, now I have to be cheer mom too?? GAH! I cannot even fathom ME, YUBBY, being in the cheer world.
Oh you laugh, oh yes laugh .... oh my werd .... my parenting theory, let them try it. I want my kids to try whatever they want, as far as I can help. If she wants to, I will try to make it happen, I really didn't see this.
Another moment for me to step WAY OUT of my comfort zone I suppose. GAH.
I think that's it, really, nothing wise, nothing in closing ... just ...

Serenity now ... right now ..... anytime now ....... really??


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