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"It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown!"

So, the other day on the way home late at night from somewhere, i saw this thing on the side of the road, well, more like 3 things, giant glowing in the dark cold night. I went by again another night to show my sis, and decided I needed to bring the kids one time but couldn't figure out when, since they are MUCH more impressive in the dark, when they glow. Well, this afternoon they were talking about pumpkins on the way home from the store, and i remembered, and i saw it was dark and dismal out, and thought.... hmmm.. possibly a good time for a Detour we went ... and here is the proof.

yup, that's right, mammoth pumpkins! LOL They were SO cool!! Sammy was not overly cuddly, but Grant was speechless, and all over them, and trying to see how they lit up, and how they got so big and on and on, and he also brought home a new Acorn Collection, yippee!
This one next to Sammy apparently won the prize for the heaviest pumpkin ever grown in Vermont! Wo knew! and so close to home LOL. SO there, ya go, a crazy hectic day, made all better by gigantic smiling Pumpkin faces.


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