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Post #200 Electrically Chraged Wallpaper ... and cows ......

So, yesterday, was ... well zippy, or maybe zappy, but anyway, it was electrifying! Heehehehehee. For anyone who missed it, I am moving this month yes, we found a house, not a house to buy, it's a rental. Mike's company has houses they own, and rent to employees it's a very hands off landlord type deal, we do pretty much everything ourselves, except like, roof, septic and such, and the rent is 450 LESS a month.So that makes it all well worth it.
When Grant was younger he was very creative, and drew all over my bathroom walls with a yellow highlighter, NOT washable! I guess he was sorry later, he started to strip the wallpaper to cover the crime, even though it was a year later! LOL I felt it was up to us t get the bathroom back to decent before we leave the house, so my project has been that these past few days. It seemed so simple! Strip the wallpaper, sand the walls, put up paint. Yeah, not so much.
The walls are crap! They removed tile a while back and never dealt with the wall correctly, so the top half is neon peach, and the bottom half is a bad plaster job over old grout and tile adhesive. It's BAD. So, i went out, bought similar paper to what they had, vinyl, white on white with a raised pattern, to cover the imperfections of the wall. I put up a couple pieces, not very well, and the wall madness showed right though! So, Mike pulled it all off, i went to the store bought cheap paint, more paper, a rzor blade, and we started to paint over the nasty wall with cheap paint.
This brings me to Thursday morning ..... I get up, paint the bathroom another coat and it is all white, and ready for wallpaper. Then i sit at my puter and decide to hook up my scanner. ( see Im making a video for my mom's birthday party, so i need to scan a bunch of old pics into my puter) so i plug it in, go online, find the stuff i need to do
wnload, and do it, and get it working, and I am pretty proud of myself!
Then, Paint is still drying, so I go on an internet hunt for a skit. (see, the day before Mom's party, I am directing a skit in church, for Thanksgiving) so im looking for a skit, and the whole time, I have one banging about in my brain, so Katie is online and i run it past her, and she loves it, so ... since im bored, i start typing it out.

Now mind you, im also nursing one sick kid, tolerating the terrorist, and feeding them, and doing laundry so I have apile to fold while i watch my thursday night TV.
I take a break and decide to start wallpapering, which goes very well I might add, now that i have a razor blade to do the edges. I was doing one piece next to the sink, and the wet paper was over the open light switch, and i put my hand on the wall, and the other hand on a piece of metal, and ZAP!! One finger tip to the other .... WHOoohoo that was fun, i actually didn't realize i had zapped myself until later. I got a brainstorm not long after, ran to my computer and finished off my skit, then as I sat there, i looked out the window, as of all things, a COW ran across my yard. I can imagine for city slickers, that may seem sensational, but here in Chittenden it's not that odd. I live next to all kinds of animals, and they run loose frequently. I never do get used to the site though LOL!! SO i went to help the poor teenager, and the biker lady with my broom and wallpaper pasted self, we got the cow back in her fence.

That night i was measuring for the next piece of walpaper and got ZAPPED again! I was shocked! No i mean, surprised! :D I put my hand on the wall, and my other hand on the faucet, and viola! ZAAP. So i asked Mik when he got home, went to demonstrate, thinking it was gone, yeah ZAP! Not so much. I told him to try it, and he was a whimp!
I say ..."It's just a little prick it doesn't hurt, I've done it like 3 times now."
he looks at me like I'm walking dead "THAT PRICK is 120 VOLTS woman!"

ahhhhh ..... no wonder i had so much energy! Geeeez ... too bad i didnt touch that laundry last night. UGH.


  1. You're carrying on the Lucy Ethel tradition--I'm proud of you!


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