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Lotion Commotion and the Bead Stampede.

There are days that i wonder where my babies went, Grant puts his shoes on, Sammy picks her clothes out, they swim and talk, and chit and chat and squeal with glee about school, and i wonder WHEN did they get so big? Maybe i really am coming out of the "baby stage" And how sad, but how fun, how cool to think about the fun we can have as they get older ...... Then, days like today ,..... and i wonder, what woman in her right intelligent mind CHOOSES this crazy hairy, insanity inducing, bi-polar producing, madness soaked, dirty, nasty, smelly job??? and WHY on God's Green Earth would i EVER want to start all over?!?!! I'm quite sure you have no clue what i mean. ROFL Today was planned well, executed differently, and almost survived with no casualties, so far. :) I woke up, late, cranky from no sleep, and early awakening from the ball of energy that sleeps and bounces across the hall from me. I walk down the hall, avoiding him, so i don't say something mean and uncalled for pre-coffee. I open my daughter's door, and start to admire to pretty pinky room recently newly decorated with paint and new bed with bedding, before i can say one entire word, i spot the princess herself, covered, head to toe in lotion. GOBS and RIVERS of white lotion all over her, and the floor and the castle, and the kitchen, GAH! I stripped the child, shut the door and went to make coffee, over the sink piled high with dishes. Later, still not dressed, (wearing PJ pants and giant Hubby T-Shirt) i am getting in a rhythm, and pulling our some crafty stuff, and find our collection of "refrigerator magnet making beads" in a bucket, tipping, off a shelf, onto my head, and floor, and laundry basket. UGH!! Later, all cleaned up, (Still not dressed) but house getting somewhat in order, and i get an unexpected visitor. From a lovely lady, who was passing by with her hubby on their way to kayak at the Chittenden dam. She thought i should know that my precious son, whom i now was on good terms with, was blessing the passing cars with fist fulls of gravel from our driveway. FAAAAAbulous! THEN we call daddy, daddy lays down the law, mom nearly looses it looking at the piles of dishes, laundry, and various other things that should have been completed by now, but keep getting bypassed by my lovely children and their antics. NEver mind the daughter who WON"T potty train, and wondering, how many moms think at one time or another, "well poop on my hand only twice today is pretty good huh?" Then there are days, i want to switch places with Sara Doll, that has been a staple of my life, when i feel lie i need a new life, i switch places with her, she always seem to be in a good spot, when I'm in my worst. As shown here, this is how SHE is spending her evening.

Of course the REASON she needs a soak? You really wanna know? Yeah, I didn't think so!


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