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What exactly IS in meatloaf?

So, tonight we sit down to a classic Atkins style meal. Meatloaf, Mashed potatoes and veggies. It never ceases to amaze me how much guys truly LIKE meatloaf. My Daughter has an inherited fear of anything resembling anything close to red meat. Grant is skiddish, but when faced with nutter butters or nothing, he persevered through and got his reward.
Sammy, on the other hand, not so easy! SHe loves the mashed potatoes, and gobbles up her tomatoes, but meatloaf? Forget it dad! I even got her to eat ketchup, but on the tomatoes, LOL.
Finally Mike decides to put his foot down, Samantha, you need to eat your meat honey.

"NO! I don't like it daddy, i don't need it"
We are trying very hard not to laugh because her face is SOO cute!
So we proceed to try to put ketchup on it, cut it smaller fly the plane in for landing. ALl of which gets the evil eye stare, and the mouth shut tight.
Finally, mommy gets a bright idea.

"Sammy! You gotta eat your meat, it's good for princess' they will stay healthy if they eat it!"
daddy adds ....
"Yes, c'mon honey, it's princess meatloaf ..... have a bite!"
to which Grant adds in a crooning coaxing voice ......
"C'mon Mantha, It's made of PRINCESS' ! "


  1. Ahahahahahahahahahaha Sweeney Todd meatloaf XD

  2. :) NOW she'll NEVER eat it!!! lol
    I am glad to know I am not the only one who has a two year old picky eater! I keep trying to tell Bryan he cannot live on peanut butter and jelly alone! :)

    Have not tried meatloaf with him yet...hmmmm...could you put it on a roll with some ketchup and call it a burger?...a Princess burger..;-) ol

  3. no can do!
    "I no like HaaamBoogaahs!!"

  4. I can't relate, both of my kids always LOVED meatloaf. It's their friends that were always skeptical. I can't remember if son-in-law to be likes it or not, but I know that every biological Swift kid likes it and always has. However, they love HaaamBoogahs too.

  5. I've had a sit down talk with the doctor more than once and have been reassured that kids Can live on pb&j for an extended time and come out normal. But I always needed the doctor to reassure me.


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