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Hometown Heros

Growing up, in Walpole NH there was a grocery store called IGA. On the paper bags for years was printed the Phrase, "Hometown Hero's"
I can't remember why, but it sticks with me today. I have been thinking alot about Hero's about our hero's mostly, those in the military.
I usually muster up extra patriotism whenever i have a loved one deployed to the warzone. I wear RW&B on Friday's i wear a pin, i cry over all the soldier songs. I am Vocal about praying for our troops and remembering their sacrifices.
But it occurs to me. Do they know that? Do my deployed loved ones KNOW that? Do they KNOW that i cry over the news? Do they KNOW i pray for them?
Have i written them? Have i sent them emails, sail mails, care packages, anything?
To my shame, i have not. In fact i just barely started a small campaign of my own, I have adopted an Army Wife, whose husband is deployed, and i try to send her an e-card of encouragement once a week. Not to brag, just to say out loud that
I Do support our troops, and this is how im showing it in a small way.
So i ask you, what are you doing? Have YOU called your soldier? Sent them a card? Did you tell them happy Thanksgiving? Are you sending them a care package for Christmas?
What about the family they left behind, are we holding them up? Not just in prayers, but in phone calls, in cards, visits, snail mail, anything?

I have felt somewhat guilty about it for sometime, but you know, feeling guilty, or even simply FEELING patriotic, won't get a soldier through a year long deployment in the sands of hell. It won't get his wife and kids through the long year without daddy or hubby.

So, I don't mean it as a guilt trip.
Well okay I do, *LOL* but for all of us, me included. If we are patriotic, and proud and scared and love them more than anything. (Which i KNOW we all do) What are we doing to show them?

I put this challenge to you. Look around, for the closest soldier (ahem, or sailor :) ) you can find. Find YOUR Hometown Hero. and TELL them how you feel about them. KEEP telling them. STAY in touch, Lets hold up the families and friends left behind, lets SHOW them how Proud we are, how much we love them, how much we want them HOME and SAFE.

and BTW, if someone needs a Hero to cheer, I have a couple names for you, but the top of my list is ERIC ATKINS. My big brother of whom i am SO proud. and his Wife JULIE, kids, Jonathan, Katelyn, Lauren, and Bryan. She is the one i send cards to. My small start :)
Start this Christmas season with a mission!!


  1. Well said Sara and very convicting..

  2. Thank you for the Friday laughs, Sara!! The kids look forward to them too :)

    And for all the great chats lately! You may THINK it is a small thing but you have kept me company through many lonely hours and put a smile in almost every day!

    You are appreciated!


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