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First, dorky i know, but it IS kinda fun that I'm the only single word LINKAGE on Muddah's blog :)

Secondly, fall is finally here, and I am happy with the cool weather VERY happy!

Third, i may be addicted to popcorn, and now i know how to make it in a pan on the stove (much quieter) bad news dude!

Lastly, but the more important of things i've been musing over lately. Lots of soul searching, looking back, looking forward, checking my brain waves and all that fun stuff. Last night i went to pick up my hubby from our local airport. Nothing to brag about, but great fun for the little ones. As they frolicked about in the cold clear air of a fall night, they laid in the grass at the base of the gi-normic spotlite and looked up, ooohing and aweing at the size and coolness of it, and i was struck suddenly.
By a memory, one i hadn't visited for a long while, a cool night, unlike this one, it was foggy VERY foggy. My mom and i were on the way to the local airport, to meet my dad's plane after a long trip. She has informed me we may need to wait a while due to the weather, and not to worry, she knew one of the other Mom's would be there waiting, and may have some of her boys with her. Boys!? You want me to wait in the tiny airport with no tv and a bunch of boys? UGH!
I remember what i had on, i wore a pink and white sweater with a ballerina on it, my favorite at the time. I remember "the boys" my word, they were the craziest, loudest, and nearly the funniest kids i had ever met. There were three of them, and all they did was Army, they talked Army jargin, played Army guys, i was thinking they most likely dreamt it as well. What a drag! :P
their Mom was a peach, just loved her to death, how in the world did she survive? I remember she wore a brown coat. Their grandfather was there too. He was the one who decided we should all go to Wendy's for dinner, maybe it would "calm the natives" Thinking about it now, thats probably the first time i realized what that phrase really meant.
Well, we waited, HOURS, and played various games, had a blast really. I never remember actually seeing them with their dad, as i was caught up in my own reunion, but i DO remember HEARING them meet him. LOL seriously, I felt like a frontier lass who had barely survived Indian captivity. heehehe I told my brother about them, and of course he wanted to meet them.
At the Christmas party that year, i saw them, pointed them out to Matt.
"There they are! Those crazy Indian boys!"
Heehee, Later, while sitting down and eating, Matt put his plate down for a minute, and before he could pick it up off the floor again, the youngest Indian sat SPLAT in his plate .. the middle one gave him a tongue lashing, and the older one tried to pretend he wasn't related. Matt was now convinced he didn't really NEED to meet these hoodlums. :)
Eventually, we all became the best of buds. We played ALL the time, we were inseparable. We consider each other siblings really. I call their parents mom and dad just like my own.
Yes I'm talking about the Mardens. They have been on my mind muchly I'm sure they have been yours.
It's amazing to look back, to see where your path has gone, how it crosses with others, runs parallel with them, even joins with some. It's a good lesson, every single step back there, contributes to where you stand now. I pray every step i take from here on out leaves me standing in a most excellent place!


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