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How DO they do that?!

You ever wonder that?you look at something cool and wonder, How does that work?
Well i guess most people with any kind of imagination do, and some of the smart ones just 'know' how it's done. Then there are the "tinkerers". The ones who are pretty sure they know, but they just have to SEE it. Does ANYONE know ANYONE like that?
My son, my son is similar to a tornado, in that he is calm quiet and quite pleasant most of the time, however, when his energy hits a certain level, he leaves massive destruction and waste in his wake. Leave him alone in a room too long, and wallpaper disappears, blinds become new amazingly aggravating sculptures, curtains are removed from windows and turned into a "SUUUuuuuuuuuPERMAN" costume.
The most recent victim was the hamper. Just a cheap hamper, a fold able one, you know, the type with mesh and a wire frame, perfect for boys to throw things in, sit on, walk into, move, pretty indestructible, until, the child decides he WILL see how it's made.
And thats his motive, just to see how it's done. He knows he shouldn't, but, WHAT is behind the wallpaper anyway? Do blinds still work after being redesigned? How big are the curtains really? How does this hamper stay up, but stay bendy? So he proceeded to removes the wire, and is now doing chores to replace the thing. My immediate response is to be angry, and yell, and wonder WHY he is soo bad, but then i remember, he is not bad deep down, e just can't control the curiosity enough to avoid destroying things. For some reason this seems a familiar situation to me. Who do i know like that?
Well, besides my Big Brother ERIC of course, he couldn't hold onto a piece of electronic equipment very long before it was taken apart, examined, then redesigned into some odd new invention. Every piece of old electronics was dismantled and studied for days.
Well, I sat down that evening and tried to relax and not think about what Grant may be destroying as he falls asleep, and i look at my hubby. He is trying to fix the camera i took to Cape Cod, Got sand in, and BROKE. He shakes his head, declares it dead, and then,,,,,,,,, He TOOK IT APART ... yuh, ok, well that explains alot. Sometimes i forget that i married McGyver Heehehehheeee


  1. Wow - does that all sound familiar!! LOL Yes - like fathers, like sons :) Jonathan is the same way!!! I think Bryan will be too :)


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