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"This is for the Birds!"

Okay, i know its a terrible Pun, but Alas, I am stricken with the most demented birds imaginable. My son ... is afraid to go outside because of "The bug's!"but I'm starting to think we should avoid the outdoors due to the Birds!
All week long, every time the van is in the driveway, a bird sits on the rear veiw mirrors, and attacks the windows. ALL DAY LONG Saturday and Sunday. Now i have Beak marks and birdie doo doo on my lovely van. :P
This morning, there is a bird trying to get in my house ...... every few minutes it attacks my dining room window ... then the back door window, around the house, looking for the van, then back to my window ...... so you see where i may start to get concerned . :P
"The Birds" as told by the little people of Grant's room. :)
go HERE to see the whole thing :)


  1. Wow--it could be worse. It could be flying pigs!!You must have a nest somewhere that the birds are trying to get to or protect maybe??

  2. We've got the same thing going on here. The robins will attack any reflection of themselves because they think it's another robin. They are protecting a nest somewhere close by. One thing robins fear are owls so you could print out some robin images on your computer and tape them to your windows. Even inside your van window. We picked up a plastic owl at Walmart in the garden section and it seems to have worked. We didn't go with printing one out because we have reflective window tint on the window and the bird wouldn't be able to see it.


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