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WARNING!! Fandom ranting on Girly TV :)

So, im admitting, YES i LOVE the Gilmore Girls. This season i was afraid i wouldn't be as dedicated, since the plot seemed to wane.
But alas,they do always throw things in. Now, Richard is in the hospital, and they had this whole horrid day ..... and Chris wasn't there, but LUKE was!!
SCHEEEECH.she never should have married that man ...grrrr ... logan is shaping up rather well, he was such a good boy! I just don't get it, who wants the whimp who can't get over himself long enough to hug you through your dad's heart surgery, when you can have the guy who ran over in his dumpy coat and backwards hat wanting to help in any way possible,even if that way ends up being that you run crazy almost pointless,petty errands to appease Emily. Then 'That man' shows up all PO'ed because the other guy who you have been friends with all you adult life is leaving three bags of food for your family knowing that no one has had enough real food for the day,and then he has the GAUL to tell the guy to get lost ...... ohhh ..... im gonna pop a widget in a minute!!

don't scoff at me!I warned you before you read it! XP


  1. If life has shown us anything, it is that the couple who SHOULD be together will not do so until the last half of the last season. Because the seasons in which Mulder and Scully were calling each other Fox and Dana? Kinda sucked a lot.

  2. Yikes what am I getting into!! Do I want to start that series or not??

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.


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