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How bad do ya want it?

Yuh, no New Years resolution here, just an idea, and three people acting on it before it gets away.
Im talking weight loss people, getting in shape, more energy, more ability to actually play WITH our kids, not just watch and wish we were 3 again.

So my two friends and I were talking about this subject, and we were NOT ALLOWED to go home until we had all agreed on a "game plan" something, anything to get us up moving, exersizing ..... sooo .. some smart person says ..."Well the best time is early morning before hubbys go to work, before kids wake up, good way to start a day don't you think?
Um No wait! Remember me? I don't get up before sunrise unless its a VERY good reason that involves LOTS of coffee.
But alas ..... I want it ... i want that body back i used to have ... that size i used to wear ..... How bad do i want it? Bad enough to crawl out of bed at 445am ..... drive 15 minutes to my friends neighborhood ..... walk for 45 minutes, in the cold, snowing wind, with a croupy nasty cough ... Inhaler in pocket ..... thats how bad i want it ..... I think *lol* Ask me agian when i've been caffinated :P


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